Allow BlogTally Bot for SEO Insights


While Pulse filters most bot traffic from your analytics, there's one important bot you should allow: the BlogTally bot.
This bot is essential for providing SEO insights and technical analysis of your blog.

About BlogTally Bot

The BlogTally bot crawls your pages to:

  • Analyze technical SEO elements
  • Check performance metrics
  • Validate content structure
  • Monitor site health
  • Gather metadata for recommendations

Bot Identification

The BlogTally bot identifies itself with the following User-Agent string:

BlogTallyBot/1.0 (+; [email protected]) Web analytics bot for BlogTally

Making Sure BlogTally Works for You

If you're using Pulse

No action needed! Pulse automatically recognizes the BlogTally bot and excludes it from your traffic stats while allowing it to analyze your pages.

If you're using bot filtering

Make sure to whitelist the BlogTally User-Agent if you have custom bot filtering in place. The bot should be allowed to:

  • Access your pages
  • Read your content
  • Parse your HTML

If you're using a firewall or security service

Add the following User-Agent pattern to your whitelist:


Bot Behavior

To ensure transparency, here's how our bot operates:

  • Identifies itself clearly through its User-Agent
  • Provides contact information
  • Only accesses publicly available pages


If you're experiencing any issues with the BlogTally bot or need help with configuration, contact our support team at [email protected].

Always refer to this page for the most up-to-date information about the BlogTally bot.